Friday, 6 February 2015

Land Pollution

his blog focuses on pollution in urban areas in its many forms- land, air and water just to name a few. Urban pollution is a phenomenon that cities across the world encounter. In this blog we focus on urban pollution in our capital city Port of Spain.
The picture below shows the irresponsible dumping of debris onto the roadside of Port of Spain. This is a classic example of land pollution. Not a very attractive sight for a city which is frequented by tourist and locals and which is the site of many international and governmental activities. Furthermore this type of debris would gradually make its way into the neighboring river and cause blockages thereby resulting in flooding. The debris can also act as a habitat for disease borne pests such as rats and cockroaches, which are very unhealthy for residents of the city.
Evidently Port of Spain needs more stringent laws with regard to disposal of waste matter and more frequent sanitation.